1. If Claremore schools are out for snow or ice, the studio will be closed.
2. I will follow vacations for these holidays only:
Thanksgiving, November 25 - 28, 2024
Christmas/New Years, December 20, 2024 - January 3, 2025. Classes
resumes January 6, 2025
Spring Break, March 17 - 21, 2025
Memorial Day, May 27, 2024
3. Guest visitations: 3rd lesson of November and 3rd lesson of February.
4. I reserve the right to dismiss any problem student.
5. Please do not send a sick child to class.
6. Be prompt in arriving and picking up your child. Please do not arrive
more than 10 minutes before class.
7. Students should wait in reception area until class begins or ride arrives.
8. I am not responsible for a child not picked up immediately after class. I am not responsible for students outside of dance building.
9. No food allowed in main dance room. Outside food and drink are not allowed in the dance rooms. Spill-proof containers of water ONLY may be used by students.
10. You may park on the side, front, and across the street. You may drop off and pick up by turning into the alley and then driving through and turning to the right, coming out on 4th Street. Do NOT park or drive through the law office's parking lot.
11. There is a class outfit this year. Students wear dance clothes only for
class and use cover-up and street shoes to enter and exit the building. Please pull hair up and out of face and long hair must be in a ponytail. All students must have dance shoes to dance. Those students not
dressed properly, or without shoes, will observe class.
12. New shoes should be in by the 1st lesson. Students need some sort of
bag to carry shoes to and from class. Be sure to write name in all shoes. Younger students (3-7) need a small notebook to carry in their bag to put their stickers in.
13. Dress Rehearsal attendance is required.
14. I reserve the right to take a student out of a recital number who misses
the last 2 or more lessons before recital.
15. Costumes are ordered the end of January and paid for in full at that time. Therefore, if your tuition is not paid through December at the time I order, I will not order your costume. May tuition must be paid by May 20th.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning
how to dance in the rain."